How do I get there?

Well, one way to get there is by using public transport.

Bus 32 leaves in the center of Antwerp, normally on Franklin Rooseveltplaats, platform 41. But its next stop is just outside the Central Station, platform 10 and 11, in Pelikaanstraat just opposite of the Starbucks. You might consider a coffee there if you have to wait for the bus. Consider taking a small coffee, because the bus leaves about every 12 minutes.

We suggest to carefully check the timetable of bus 32. There are a lot of construction works going on in the area of the Central Station, and certain bus stops might have been temporarily changed or eliminated. You might need to walk as far as Mercatorstraat to catch bus 32. (July, 2017)

Your preferred bus stop to get off is Ter Elststraat. The Ter Elststraat bus stop is a few hundred meters from your destination, (opposite site of the street)

“Preferred”, because not all busses pass that bus stop! Again, we suggest to carefully check the timetable of bus 32.

In case your bus decides not to pass Ter Elststraat, you have to get off on Baron De Celleslaan and walk some 777 steps.


Another way to get there is to walk.

But, unless you’re up to some real jogging, (and we in Edegem are very much into 10.000 steps a day) we suggest not to do that. The whole trip is about 9km and will take you almost 2 hours.

Your last option is to take a taxi.